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Ep 47: Design with Liz Jackson

Graphic with a bright yellow background. At the top in black text: ‘Disability Visibility’. In the center: illustration by artist Mike Mort featuring an Asian American woman with black hair, red lips, and red headphones over her head. She is wearing a Bi-Pap mask that covers her nose and attached to a gray tube. She is also wearing a pair of purple sunglasses Below in black text: ‘Politics Culture Media Hosted by Alice Wong’ with a red dot between ‘politics’ and ‘culture’ and one between ‘culture’ and ‘media’.

Graphic with a bright yellow background. At the top in black text: ‘Disability Visibility’. In the center: illustration by artist Mike Mort featuring an Asian American woman with black hair, red lips, and red headphones over her head. She is wearing a Bi-Pap mask that covers her nose and attached to a gray tube. She is also wearing a pair of purple sunglasses Below in black text: ‘Politics Culture Media, Hosted by Alice Wong’ with a red dot between ‘politics’ and ‘culture’ and one between ‘culture’ and ‘media’.


Today’s episode is on design with my guest Liz Jackson, co-founder of Project Thisten and founder of The Disabled List, a design organization that engages in disability as a creative practice. Liz will talk about her work with the design community, how material objects are an important part of our self-identity, the limits of building empathy in design, and a series of design fellowships called WITH that places disabled people with top design studios and creative spaces for three-month fellowships.


[Google doc]     [PDF]

Related Links

“How Liz Jackson Is Changing The World Of Disability Design,” Brianna Flaherty, September 21, 2018, The Iconic.

Liz Jackson: Designing for Inclusivity (video), 99U Conference 2017.

Project Thisten

The Disabled List

“We Are the Original Lifehackers”, Liz Jackson, May 30, 2018, The New York Times

WITH Fellowship


Photo of Liz Jackson, a queer white disabled person with short hair. She is wearing eyeglasses, a navy vest with a black t-shirt underneath. She is smiling broadly. Photo credit: Ryan Lash

Liz Jackson is the founder The Disabled List, a design organization that engages in disability as a creative practice. The Disabled List is committed to partnering disabled creatives with top design studios and creative spaces for three-month fellowships through a program called The WITH Fellowship. You can learn more about Liz in her personal website, The Girl with the Purple Cane.

Twitter: @elizejackson


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Alice Wong, Writer, Producer, Interviewer

Cheryl Green, Text Transcript

Lateef McLeod, Introduction

Mike Mort, Artwork

Theme Music (used with permission of artist)

Song: “Hard Out Here for A Gimp”


Artist: Wheelchair Sports Camp


Made It by Yung Kartz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License.


“VOCODER countdown” by Jack_Master. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License.

8 Bit Beeping Computer Sounds” by sheepfilms. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License.

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