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Coming soon: New anthology edited by Alice Wong

“Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.”

Michael Corleone, played by Al Pacino, in the film The Godfather: Part III

It’s official! I signed a contract for my next anthology, DISABILITY VULNERABILITY, to be published by Vintage Books in spring 2026. If you told me ten years ago that I would become an editor and author I would find it hard to believe. Many thanks to my agent Julia Kardon of HG Literary and my editor Anna Kaufman. I’m really excited to work on this one which will be the final anthology in a trilogy including DISABILITY VISIBILITY (2020) and DISABILITY INTIMACY (2024).

Here’s to making our dreams come true!


Screenshot of an announcement in Publisher’s Marketplace on May 31, 2024, “Activist and editor of DISABILITY VISIBILITY and DISABILITY INTIMACY Alice Wong, ed.'s DISABILITY VULNERABILITY, an anthology of writing that explores the precarity of life in the disabled community, focusing on the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing fallout, again to Anna Kaufman at Vintage, for publication in spring 2026, by Julia Kardon at HG Literary (world English). Rights:”
Screenshot of an announcement in Publisher’s Marketplace on May 31, 2024, “Activist and editor of DISABILITY VISIBILITY and DISABILITY INTIMACY
Alice Wong, ed.’s DISABILITY VULNERABILITY, an anthology of writing
that explores the precarity of life in the disabled community, focusing on
the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing fallout, again to Anna Kaufman at
Vintage, for publication in spring 2026, by Julia Kardon at HG Literary
(world English). Rights:”



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