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TagIndigenous people

Headshot of a Light skinned indigenous non-binary person with short bright pink and orange hair. She has brown eyes and a septum piercing. She is wearing a pink striped shirt with a black cardigan over top. She has two heart tattoos on her collar bones.

Decolonization as a Strategy for Accommodating Disabilities

Decolonization as a Strategy for Accommodating Disabilities Rachel Setzer Content notes: colonization, genocide, intergenerational trauma Plain language summary The story of my disabilities starts hundreds of years ago, when … Continue Reading Decolonization as a Strategy for Accommodating Disabilities

Picture of Hector standing in the hallway of his house. The walls and floors are wooden and there are some pictures of his family on the wall. He is standing and is wearing a T-shirt that reads WeRNative that has an native patterns. He is wearing dark blue jeans and great Crocks. His hands are in his pant pockets and he is wearing a lime green bracelet that reads “Each Mind Matters”. He is smiling at the camera and is wearing a turquoise and silver pendant on a small chain around his neck.

After 30 Years the ADA Leaves People with Psychiatric Disabilities Behind

After 30 Years the ADA Leaves People with Psychiatric Disabilities Behind Héctor M. Ramírez Content notes: suicide, suicidal ideation, hospitalization, forced treatment, violence Plain language summary I have lived … Continue Reading After 30 Years the ADA Leaves People with Psychiatric Disabilities Behind

Close up of a light complexion, Two Spirit femme with black glasses, green eyes, shoulder length brown hair, Native style beaded dangling earrings, with bright red lips and a red shirt. In the foreground is a paved path and grass.

ADA 30: No Justice for Disabled Native People

ADA 30: No Justice for Disabled Native People Jen Deerinwater  Content notes: genocide, sexual assault, eugenics, suicide, suicide attempts, intergenerational trauma Plain language summary Waking up has been increasingly … Continue Reading ADA 30: No Justice for Disabled Native People